
1717 25th Street SE, Salem, OR 97302

Mailing address: PO Box 710, Salem, OR 97308

Selling With Capitol Auction & Estate Services, LLC.

Capitol Auction & Estate Services LLC can sell your treasures for you!. Whether you have just a few items, a lifetime collection or an entire household, we can help liquidate your items while achieving the best value to be had in the market place.

Single items or small collections: If you have just a few items that are easily transported, please give us a call to schedule an appointment at our office and auction facility. Upon examination, we’ll give you an idea as to the marketability of your items. If your treasures fit our auction format, we’ll consign it to a future auction. Consignment fees vary on a case by case basis, but generally, the more an item sells for the lower the commission we charge. Payment is made, less commission and any applicable fees, within 7 business days of when your item(s) sell at auction.

Large Collections, Households, Estates and Businesses: We are happy to accommodate you and schedule an on-site visit to evaluate what you have to sell. Please call to schedule a meeting. We can usually come to you within 3 to 5 business days. Usually we will meet with you, review the personal property and items you wish to sell and discuss your time frame and goals for the sale. We will then prepare a proposal on the best way to sell your collection, household, estate or business. Sometimes an on-site auction is the solution, other times we may choose to bring everything back to our auction facility for sale. Additionally, we have found a combination of an on-site “estate” fixed price sale in conjunction with bringing items back for auction to be the best solution. Often times we will arrive at a fixed schedule of charges for large quantities with discounts for coins, fine jewelry, vehicles and other items of high value. As always, we want to get your money to you as fast as possible and we pay within 7 business days of selling your items.

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